Worship with Eucharist, Sundays,
at 10:00 AM
in person and live-streamed on Facebook.
Worship bulletin may be found here.
Stay after worship each Sunday for coffee, tea, and conversation.
Meet and greet new friends or old ones.
Join us on the last Sunday of each month,
when the service includes prayers for healing.
Coffee hour that day will celebrate anyone
who had a birthday that month.
Call the church office (201-836-0994)
regarding worship, Bible study, outreach, or if in need of
pastoral care.
for special posts and updates.
to see videos of past worship services.
We are a church with a strong
liturgical tradition.
From its very beginnings in 1931, Grace Lutheran Church celebrated Holy Communion
at every Sunday liturgy and on every Holy Day, an uncommon practice at the time
and one that has remained a hallmark of Grace.